Trigger Finger Exercises
About Trigger Finger
About Trigger Finger

Trigger Finger
Trigger finger is a condition that triggers the fingers to catch a bent position. The problem happens to a patient because of the inflammation of his tendons on the fingers. A repetitive gripping motion with the hands may lead to trigger finger. The repetitive motions wear down the small sheath covering the tendon responsible for motion. This also blocks the fluid that aids in the lubrication of the joint, which worsens the scenario. 
The fibrous tissue connecting the muscles of the forearm to your finger is the affected tendons. Together, these muscles and tendons make you extend and bend your fingers making you clench. A tendon easily glides through the sheath, a tissue covering it due to a lubricating membrane near the joints. Because of that, the tendon gets swollen and inflamed. When this happens, the fingers are bent making it pull the inflamed portion towards the tendon sheath, and causes a snap.

What it needs is an exercise to help improve the flexibility and functionality of the injured finger. This is also essential after a surgery is done, which is a good option for treatment of the condition. When you want your trigger finger treated, it is best to consult your physician.

Who are prone to trigger finger?
People with gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes are prone to developing trigger finger. Prolonged grasping that is strenuous also triggers the disease. Industrial workers, farmers and musicians may be more susceptible to the ailment for reasons that they rely on their fingers for make more repetitive movements. The disease usually affects women more than men and those individuals aging forty to sixty years old. 

How trigger finger is treated?
Treatment for this ailment is to minimize your activities leading to trigger finger. Usually, the doctor puts a splint to the affected hand to prevent any joint movement. When symptoms persist, anti-inflammatory medications like naproxen or ibuprofen are prescribed. He may recommend injection of a steroid medication to the tendon sheath. If none seem to work, surgery may be necessary to release the sheath and regain movements.

The severity of the condition determines how long you will recover from the illness. The condition varies from one person to another. How treatment is chosen is an impact to the recovery time. Most patients with the ailment recover within few weeks through resting and minimizing the uses of the affected finger and through anti-inflammatory medications.

Trigger finger may be a disease that can happen to anyone especially in their prime. Should they be affected, they know now how to go about the ailment.

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